How a leading UK investment bank optimised their meetings with Bridgehouse

Our client: A leading UK investment bank

The Situation

Bridgehouse began working with this company in 2018 and mainly supports them by acting as additional support for their existing in-house Company Secretary resource and assisting where there are gaps in their existing resource. The support that Bridgehouse provides to the company is mainly Board and Committee meeting support, including professional minute taking, creation of action lists and meeting attendance.

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Independent Expertise
Targeted support

Case studies

What the client said

“Bridgehouse is a company we can trust to provide a reliable and high quality service which supports our existing Company Secretary resource and allows us to fill in any resourcing gaps without compromising on quality.”

Leading UK Investment Bank

Close-up of hands over a business report

Time Saving

Bridgehouse supports the client with…

  • Meetings attendance – In person and virtual
  • Expert minute-taking
  • Provision of Action List

What the client loves…

  • Reliability – Bridgehouse offers a trusted, high quality service that can be relied upon
  • Time Saving – Bridgehouse has taken pressure off the in-house team, freeing up significant amounts of time on a monthly basis and covering gaps in resource
  • Efficiency – Minutes are prepared and circulated to tight timescales; Bridgehouse can always be relied upon to complete tasks efficiently and accurately
  • Expertise – Being heavily regulated, it is crucial that the resource is able to understand and take effective minutes of meetings often complex in

case studies

The Bridgehouse Way

Bridgehouse is a company that is dedicated to cultivating trusted, reliable working relationships with every client.

Our expert team work closely with each client, not only carrying out the tasks we are appointed for, but going above and beyond, identifying where further help is needed and ensuring that those in charge can rest assured that their governance is in good hands.

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