How Bridgehouse supported an NHS Trust to bolster governance practices

Our client: An NHS Trust in the East of England

The Situation

The Foundation Trust (FT) was looking for additional corporate governance support to work with the Trust Secretary to address concerns raised in Care Quality Commission (CQC) reports. This was primarily to support the Council of Governors and the individual Governors, but also to help the Trust Secretary with the Board of Directors and minuted meetings held in public and in private.

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Independent Expertise
Targeted support

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What the client said

“The delivery of service by Bridgehouse has been exemplary. From start to finish, dealing with the team has been a flawless experience. Our dedicated consultant provided fundamental assistance, aiding us to improve and strengthen a number of key governance processes. We were especially appreciative of the pragmatic and scientific approach to working – our resource’s logical style has been excellent and left us with a number of clear processes that our in-house team can now build upon for the future. We were also extremely impressed with the quality of Minutes produced – they really were superb – solid notes with an incredibly fast turnaround time too. I shall not hesitate to call on Bridgehouse again in the future and will be happily recommending them to my networks.

NHS FT Trust Secretary

Woman talking in a business meeting

Experienced Personal
Flexible Consistent

Bridgehouse supported the client with…

  • Supporting with governance evaluation
  • Supported the non-executive director recruitment process
  • Evaluating and updating governance processes
  • Supporting with annual general elections of
  • Supported in putting together training programmes
  • Implementing MS Teams
  • Reviewing roles within the organisation

What the client loves…

  • Experience – from previous knowledge of the specific FT, and working in other FTs, our consultant was able to hit the ground running and deliver the work required within specific timeframes.
  • Relationship Management – specifically with the Trust Chair and Trust Secretary, and the Council of Governors and individual Governors, and the Board of Directors.
  • Flexibility – Bridgehouse provided scalable support which meant we were able to adapt in line with the resourcing needs of the FT.
  • Continuity – the FT appreciated the consistency of resource provided. Reliable and stable, Bridgehouse provided a service which felt like an extension of the existing in-house team.

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The Bridgehouse Way

Bridgehouse is a company that is dedicated to cultivating trusted, reliable working relationships with every client.

Our expert team work closely with each client, not only carrying out the tasks we are appointed for, but going above and beyond, identifying where further help is needed and ensuring that those in charge can rest assured that their governance is in good hands.

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