How SEGRO PLC managed business growth as a FTSE100 with Bridgehouse

Our client: a UK Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT)

The Situation

Bridgehouse began supporting SEGRO with Interim Company Secretarial and Governance support in 2022. This has involved providing two team members to execute an extensive range of services for SEGRO, which is dual-listed in the UK and France, and operates across nine jurisdictions in its pan-European real estate ownership.

Bridgehouse reports into the in-house team and as the team has expanded, has helped in the onboarding of new permanent junior staff members by providing training on systems such as Diligent entity management and Boardbooks. Bridgehouse provides SEGRO with services such as subsidiary company meeting support, keeping Diligent entity management up-to-date and the management of filings for the company UK subsidiaries. The Company Secretariat team at SEGRO supports the business in a large number of transactions, and one of Bridgehouse’s key roles has been to keep extensive documentation up-to-date.

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Independent Expertise
Targeted support

Case studies

What the client said

“Bridgehouse’s Interim Company Secretarial support has helped us to grow our in-house team in a planned manner, while supporting a growing FTSE100 business and ensuring we maintain full governance and compliance across the Group.”


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Professional Reliable

Bridgehouse supports the client with…

  • Subsidiary Management
  • Subsidiary Meeting support
  • AGM support
  • Annual Report & Accounts support
  • Employee share scheme support
  • Ad-hoc support for the in-house Co-Sec team
  • Filing compliance documents
  • London Stock Exchange & Euronext filing support
  • Onboarding support

What the client loves…

  • Professionalism – The team is knowledgeable and professional, and possesses in-depth knowledge of the company.
  • Reliability – Bridgehouse offers a trusted, high quality service that can be relied upon.
  • Flexibility– Bridgehouse has provided two interim roles within the Company Secretariat, working both remotely and in-house. Our flexible approach has enabled the company to take its time to expand and restructure its team to match the growth of SEGRO’s portfolio.

case studies

The Bridgehouse Way

Bridgehouse is a company that is dedicated to cultivating trusted, reliable working relationships with every client.

Our expert team work closely with each client, not only carrying out the tasks we are appointed for, but going above and beyond, identifying where further help is needed and ensuring that those in charge can rest assured that their governance is in good hands.

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