How Yorkshire Housing optimised their meetings and governance with Bridgehouse

Our client: A regulated housing association

The Situation

Bridgehouse began supporting this company in 2020. Working in this regulated industry, corporate governance is very important to Yorkshire Housing. Bridgehouse was engaged by Yorkshire Housing to deliver premium end-to-end meeting support to its Residential Board and three sub-committees. Pleased with the services received, the Client entered into a further contract with Bridgehouse to continue providing its meeting support during 2021.

Yorkshire Housing logo

Independent Expertise
Targeted support

Case studies

What the client said

“Having our Bridgehouse resource on board to assist our in-house resources has been extremely  beneficial; We are always pleased with the output of work and have happily extended our contract with Bridgehouse. Work is produced to a high standard and this enables me to have peace of mind that our meeting support duties are being well taken care of.”

Alex Clift, Governance and Compliance Manager at Yorkshire Housing

Woman listening in a business meeting

Efficient Consistent
Bespoke Effective

Bridgehouse supports the client with…

  • Meeting papers
  • Pre-meeting support inc. preparing and circulating Board Packs
  • Meetings attendance – Remote
  • Expert minute-taking
  • Provision of Action List
  • Ad-hoc Governance support for matters arising

What the client loves…

  • Efficiency – Board packs are prepared and circulated to tight timescales; Quality Minutes are turned around promptly.
  • Consistency – Our lead consultant for this client has built a strong relationship with the Governance Team, Management & Chairs of the Board and Committees.
  • Professionalism – The team is very knowledgeable and professional, working seamlessly with the in-house team.
  • Relationship – A truly personal and bespoke relationship.
  • Communication – Queries outside of meetings are always answered quickly and effectively.
  • Time Saving – With many meetings taking place annually, outsourcing has taken much pressure off the in-house team, freeing up significant amounts of time on a monthly basis.

case studies

The Bridgehouse Way

Bridgehouse is a company that is dedicated to cultivating trusted, reliable working relationships with every client.

Our expert team work closely with each client, not only carrying out the tasks we are appointed for, but going above and beyond, identifying where further help is needed and ensuring that those in charge can rest assured that their governance is in good hands.

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